Word Searches for Kids

Theme Puzzles - Level 2

glass with word search

Word searches in kid-friendly themes are an easy way to plan an extra activity. These printable word puzzles can be used to reinforce a weekly theme.

They are also a fun way to entertain children when the weather makes it hard to get outdoors, or you need a quiet time activity for older kids while the little ones are napping. Each of the word puzzles involves a theme that children can relate to.

The word-find printables below contain 9-15 words. The words can be found horizontally or vertically. There may be some diagonal words. There are no backwards words.

NOTE: All of the word puzzles are available for personal non-commercial use only. Daycare providers, teachers and parents are welcome to print in quantity as needed.

Simply select the word-find of your choice, and click to open the puzzle in PDF format. You can then easily print as many copies as you need.

Fun Word Searches



Under the Sea

circus word search
vegetables word search
under the sea word search

Fire Safety



fire safety
recycling word search
apple word search


Kid's Games


colors word search
kids games word search
weather word search


Solar System


construction word search
solar system word search
pets word search



fruit word search
nature word search


More word puzzles:

Level 1 – Very Easy

Large letters, five words to find. No diagonal or backwards words.

Holiday Themes

Kid-Friendly Themes

Level 2 – Moderately Easy

Nine to twelve words. Some diagonal but no backwards words.

Holiday Themes

Level 3 – A bit of a challenge

Minimum of fifteen words. Can be in any direction including backwards.

Holiday Themes

Kid-Friendly Themes


For some fun kids activities, go to KIDS ART ACTIVITIES for:

  • Art ideas using crayons, markers or paint
  • Super Simple Art
  • Easy Toys to Make and more…

OR… hop on over to the FREE PRINTABLES section for:

  • Simple Butterfly Craft
  • Letter to Santa
  • Number Coloring Pages
  • Printable Lotto/Match Games
  • Winter Sensory Picture and more…

Both sections have lots of ideas to make planning activities for your daycare practically effortless.


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