Printable Home Daycare Forms

Storm and Fire Drill Logs

Daycare Fire Drill Log Form

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This page offers choices of storm and fire drill logs. In many states storm and fire drills are required. Go to my storm and fire safety page for ideas to make the drills easier.

Storm and Fire drill logs make keeping track of drills so simple. Just fill in the information after the month in the spaces provided... and you are done for the month.

Fill in the date, the time of the drill, how many children and adults participated in the drill and any comments. Comments may include how long the drill took, if good time was made, or things that could have made the drill better.

NOTE: All of the printable forms are intended for personal non-commercial use only. Daycare providers are welcome to print in quantity as needed. Just click on the form of your choice to be taken to the printable PDF file. You’ll need to have Adobe installed on your computer to see and print the files. If you don’t have it, you can get it free at 

Printable Home Daycare Forms - Storm and Fire Drill Logs

Set your printer to landscape for these forms!

Daycare Fire Drill Log Form

A yearly Fire Drill Log. Simply fill in the information next to the appropriate month.

Spaces for the date, time of drill, head count and comments.

In some states this form is required.

Daycare Storm Drill Log Form

A yearly Storm Drill Log. Fill in the information next to the appropriate month.

In some states this form is required.

Daycare Fire/Storm Drill Log Form

This form places all the information for both storm and fire drills for the year on one form.

Many things can make your times better or worse. Once I had a new child who had been in my daycare only a couple of weeks. This little boy, who was 4, had never participated in a drill. He had been watched by an Aunt prior to my care, and neither his Aunt nor his parents had ever had any type of drill. Well... when the fire alarm went off, he immediately hid behind the couch. The sound was loud and scared him. It took a little coaxing to get him to come out and our drill time was worse than it had been previously.

Another time during a storm drill, several of my daycare kids were downstairs. This was not always the case, but the school age kids were downstairs because it was summer and it was cooler downstairs. So, when I called out "storm drill" they were right across the hall from the area we headed to during storms. We made record time that month.


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