As a daycare provider your responsibility for daycare safety is high.
You must look at each and every area of your daycare to insure it is the safest possible environment for children. You'll be caring for several children at a time so keeping your areas safe means you will have far less to worry about.
Start first with the way the rooms are arranged. It doesn't matter whether you are using existing main floor rooms or are converting a large basement or garage into a daycare. Make sure to separate areas.
You'll need areas for both loud and quiet play. You don't want kids playing with noisy toys in the same area as children trying to read books. Define the sections with shelving units and area rugs.
Locate toys in the area they will be used. Toys used on the floor (cars, trucks, large dollhouse, etc.) should be in a separate area than small motor activities (puzzles, coloring books, etc.) that would be used on a table. This makes it less likely that children will get in each others way (less fighting) and makes clean up at the end of the day easier.
You will be watching several children at a time. Always know how many children are in your care at any given time. Take time to periodically count heads. Prior to going outside, make sure all of the children are present and do the same before coming back in. Choose other times during the course of the day to double-check and make sure all the children are where they need to be.
You'll want toys to be picked up on a regular basis during the course of the day. Toys left on the floor after play are tripping and falling hazards you need to avoid.
Place any art supplies next to a sink for easier clean-up. You don't want to have to walk across the room to clean up paint brushes, art smocks, etc.
Make sure that diaper bags are inaccessible to children. Many times, items such as Tylenol and baby powder are inside.
Check the indoor play area regularly.
Check the outdoor play area too.
The most important rule for daycare safety? Diligent supervision. If your room arrangement makes you able to see all the children, and you are constantly supervising, your entire day will be much easier.
Daycare safety is your top priority. Once you have insured that the children will be safe, you can spend the rest of your time enjoying the children.
As a child care provider, your top priority is the safety of the children. PLEASE... take the time to look over the entire safety section.
Daycare safety covers many areas. Learn all you can to insure the safety of the children in your care.
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