All of the daycare printable forms are ready to be used now! Simply click and print to immediately use the forms and start your daycare business faster.
Prescription medication forms are used only
occasionally, but they are an important part of your business. Many
times a child will need to be given medication while in daycare, and you
must have all the information in writing and signed by a parent. The signed forms are to protect you.
also must have the medication in the original container, with the
child's name clearly visible and legible dispensing instructions. Make sure this is part of your policy handbook. I was surprised by parents a couple of times, who thought this rule was silly.
Some forms have spaces for all the prescription information, another also includes a medication log. Use the form you are most comfortable with.
Check with your local daycare licensing agency. In many states these forms are required.
NOTE: All of the printable forms are intended for personal non-commercial use only. Daycare providers are welcome to print in quantity as needed. Just click on the form of your choice to be taken to the printable PDF file. You’ll need to have Adobe installed on your computer to see and print the files. If you don’t have it, you can get it free at
This is a very complete form for all the information you will need. Includes space for dosages and times... along with room for any special instructions. Includes areas for possible side effects and doctor and pharmacy information. Parents will sign at the bottom. |
This form includes areas for the prescription information. Includes areas to write in each dose you have given. It is much easier to write it down than to try and remember when the last dose was given. |
This is a combination of the two forms above. Includes prescription information and requires a parent's signature... along with a medication log to keep track of doses. |
Thankfully, medication forms are typically used rarely in daycare. For the most part, I've used one of these forms only once in a given year. The are, however, a handy addition to your available forms should the need arise. Hopefully the children in your care will remain well, and you will almost never need to use these forms.
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